We are excited to share this FE CBT exam with you!
Testing yourself and getting more problems under your belt is the KEY to acing this exam.
We've tried hard to give you a true experience with the handbook on the left (searchable, etc.) and the exam on the right with all the other tools you have to answer AIT-type problems.
Here's what you're getting:
- 110 Questions similar to the real NCEES CBT FE Exam
- All the same AIT problems you'd experience
- Problems and Solutions displayed after you're done
- Timing is the same as the real exam with a break included
- Are you ready to have a real exam experience?
Ready? Let's go!
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- 110 Questions similar to the real NCEES CBT FE Exam
- All the same AIT problems you'd experience
- Problems and Solutions displayed after you're done
- Timing is the same as the real exam with a break included
- Are you ready to have a real exam experience? Let's go!
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